Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Teacher. Nurse. Cheerleader. Caregiver. There are so many titles that come with being a Mom- along with a lot of expectations. Hero. Professional chef. Entertainment guru. Coupon clipper. Someone who has their crap together 100% of the time. Well, believe me when I say, I struggle with all of those things, especially the latter.

It’s hard trying to be everything for everyone all the time. It seems like no matter what I do, it’s just not enough. Not enough time, not enough energy, so on and so forth. Growing up, I thought my Mom was “wonder woman.” She cooked, she cleaned, she worked, she did it all & I expected to the be the same type of Mom. Thinking about it now, I can see that I let those expectations shape my emotions & how I saw myself. I was bound and determined to be like her because I thought I needed to be, otherwise, I wasn’t going to cut it.
When I did become a Mom, I vowed to be the “perfect” one. Instead of remembering who I was called to be (exactly who God created), I let my perfectionism and this vision of it take over my mind. I stopped finding my own self-worth & I forgot that who I am is not defined by being a perfect Mom or person; because there is no such thing!

Do I make mistakes? All the time. Do I get angry & frustrated? Yep! Do I burn the food or forget to change the laundry loads? You bet! But I also love my friends & my family with every fiber of my being, I’m loyal to a fault, generous, & kindhearted. Do I parent differently than my Mom? For the most part. Do I still think she’s wonder woman? Absolutely! But I also know that it’s okay to be ME. It’s okay to make mistakes, to let the laundry sit in the washer a little too long, to forget to unload the dishwasher. What’s most important is that I know that no matter what type of mom, wife, friend, or family member that I am good enough to be in that role. I’d rather love with my whole heart, learn life lessons, & be exactly who I am anyway. I’m imperfectly perfect & I’m okay with that.


I am literally the worst at posting to this blog. I've been continuously telling myself that I will get around to doing it & before I know it, months have passed. I did journal the other night in a notebook. It was nice to just write freely. Sometimes that's all it takes is just a few minutes to yourself to just express your feelings, just enjoy the minute, or just catch your breath. I will post what I journaled after this.

I notice lately that the more I get involved in everything, the happier I am. I'm completely overwhelmed & I cant stand that I dont spend every minute with Joey, but I genuinely love being apart of something. Whether it's coaching, volunteering, Miss Armada, etc. It brings me happiness to do those things. The only thing completely holding me back from going full bore into that, is my husband. I'm a stay at home Mom and of course my number one priority is my son, but I do need me time, too, right? I consider my "me" time a combination of what I listed above, getting a massage, taking a nap, or reading a book. Reading is my passion, I absolutely love it but that falls to the wayside next to being a Mom, a wife, a coach, & so on and so forth. And, I cant seem to find a good book that totally captures my attention either, which is obviously an issue in and of itself. So, if you have any suggestions in the romance or mystery genres, let me know!

Anywho, the point of this post is this: Whether you're a stay at home Mom or you work full time, or you dont have kids at all, take time out for YOU! Do something that you love, even if it's just for 30 minutes a day, or 10 minutes, whatever time you can get in. It's so important to be passionate about something and to know that you deserve to take the time out and explore whatever brings you happiness.

Monday, December 28, 2015

New to this Blog thing!

Well.. I've taken the plunge & decided to give blogging a try. I have lots to say, but never find paper to write it all down or I just forget, or I'm too nervous/shy. Either way, I figured a blog is a good idea. I can come here to get out my feels & I can give recommendations for products I'm using through Ipsy & Influenster! I can also plug my Young Living Essential Oil business & my Usborne Books business. I guess you could say I have a lot going on. At least it may seem that way to you. To me, I'm just going through the motions, trying to decide what my purpose is & how to get from one day to the next in this crazy thing called life..

So you probably want to know a little about me, or maybe you dont. But I imagine you wouldnt be here if you didnt, so here goes:

I'm 27, wife of 4.5 years to Joey, mom to Joey Ryan, he's 2. I have a furbaby who is 7, her name is Dakota. I refer to my husband as Joey & my son as Joey. Most of the time you can figure out who I am talking about, but other times it might get confusing. I'll try to keep it to Joey & Little Joey. I stay at home with Little Joey & Dakota. I really love it, but I'll admit it gets lonely. I try to keep us busy at least a couple times a month, so we are in a MOPS group. I've made some friends in the group but was hoping to create more of a bond with the ladies there. It's hard being a stay at home Mom with no friends. You'll get to know all about me in a later post. 

I will also be sharing with you some reviews on products I am testing out, thanks to Influenster. Some days I might just post about a product, some days I might do a blog post about my life, & some days I might do both. 

All of that being said, I hope you find yourself curious to learn more about me & my family and our life together. It might not be the most interesting life in the world, but it keeps me on my toes and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Until next time, bloggers...